Energy Bill Checker

Telecom Audit

Home - Telecom Audit

Recover and save up to 50% on your technology

A telecom audit of your entire technology eco system by EnergyBillChecker will uncover areas you may be overspending. In fact, most clients often find they are paying for a significant amount of unnecessary expenses in wireless and cellular services. We help maximize your profits by finding these unnecessary charges and inaccuracies and turn them into credits, as well as offer vendor-neutral recommendations for new solutions that better fit your needs – at best in class pricing.

Detecting Common Errors

A majority of telecom bills contain errors, reducing your bottom line, month after month

We screen for:

Vendor Recommendations

We leverage our bargaining power to negotiate telecom services on your behalf

Extra Savings

Increase Capabilities

Telecom audits often yield more than financial benefits and savings.

Other Benefits

No risk opportunity

You owe us nothing unless we save you money

Working with EnergyBillChecker is easy

The risk is all ours

We have a non-invasive approach that allows us to perform our audit review and analysis as efficiently as possible, without interfering in your regular work flow. Most work can be performed off-site.

We utilize state of the art technology designed to mine your data and review your records, contracts and other pertinent information to detect errors and trends that may be costing you profits. Going forward, our experts will help you establish procedures that will help you to ALWAYS take advantage of every cost saving opportunity available to you.

Because our fee is based on performance, we only get paid a percentage when we deliver significant savings to you.