Energy Bill Checker

Utilities Audit

Home - Utility Reviews

Recover 5% to 20% of lost revenues – retroactively

Nearly 80% of utility audits reveal that businesses are routinely over-billed by their utility providers. EnergyBillChecker will identify these errors going back at least three years and submit requests to your utility companies to help you get your money back. Also, commercial utility rates are negotiated all the time. We will put our bargaining strength to use on your behalf to lower your future utility bills.

Three to Five Year Audit

We perform historical billing audits and rate analysis for errors and over-charges.

What we audit:

Detecting Common Errors

Often these fees are overlooked or go unchallenged as being correct.

We screen for:

Value Added

In addition to utility bill audits, we provide the following services to provide more savings.

We also perform:

No risk opportunity

You owe us nothing unless we save you money

Working with EnergyBillChecker is easy

The risk is all ours

We have a non-invasive approach that allows us to perform our audit review and analysis as efficiently as possible, without interfering in your regular work flow. Most work can be performed off-site.

We utilize state of the art technology designed to mine your data and review your records, contracts and other pertinent information to detect errors and trends that may be costing you profits. Going forward, our experts will help you establish procedures that will help you to ALWAYS take advantage of every cost saving opportunity available to you.

Because our fee is based on performance, we only get paid a percentage when we deliver significant savings to you.